Bethany Hall, Inc
A Recovery Home for Women
Bethany Hall, Inc
1109 Franklin Rd, SW
Roanoke, Virginia 24016
Phone: (540) 343- 4261
Fax: (540) 343-1275
email: [email protected]
Where a Woman Can Turn Her Life Around

About Us Dit geldt met name in situaties met vreemde stoffen zoals bacteriƫn of virussen die niet in staat zijn kamagra te worden vernietigd. Cytokinen zijn de belangrijkste wapens van het lichaam tegen lichaamsvreemde stoffen, waaronder bacteriƫn en virussen.

Bethany Hall has provided residential treatment services to approximately 1800 women since 1970. In 1993 we began surveying prior residents to gather information about program effectiveness. Responses have consistently indicated that Bethany Hall makes a substantial difference in the lives of these women, their children, other family members, and the community at large.


Our Vision...
Aiming to break the cycle of addiction, Bethany Hall will be an unparalleled leader in the field of substance abuse treatment, education and prevention services.
By providing innovative and evidence-based therapeutic treatment in a family setting, we will empower chemically dependent women to unlock their full potential, thus creating a safer, healthier and more productive community.
Our Mission...

To provide women recovering from substance abuse a safe, supportive and healing environment as they acquire the tools for independent living.


Bethany Hall transforming lives and strengthening our community.