
Residential Program

Bethany Hall's program lasts approximately nine
months. During that time, clients receive 7-day-a-week,
24-hour-a-day treatment. After the completion of their residential phase, clients move into a transitional
apartment adjacent to Bethany Hall as they begin to
reenter the community. During this transitional phase,
clients work full-time and pay a share of rent on
their apartment.

Residential Prenatal Program

Bethany’s residential prenatal program is specifically
designed for pregnant women. In this unique
program, a client can give birth, then continue her
treatment, residing in Bethany Hall’s adjacent
apartment facility with her child. Services provided to
pregnant women are usually funded by Medicaid for
women throughout the State of Virginia.

Residential Program for Women with Children

The Bethany Hall Program for Women and Children has two components: One is specifically designed for pregnant women who already have one child, while the second is for non-pregnant women with a child or children. Unlike with any other program, the client receives treatment and support services without being separated from her child. Women in this program reside in Bethany Hall’s apartment facility throughout treatment. Services provided to Roanoke and New River Valley residents are grant-eligible. For women outside the covered area, services are available at an affordable rate.

Why is a residential program so important?

Women who are referred to Bethany Hall typically have a multitude of needs that require extensive, long-term therapeutic services. These women have reached acute stages in their addiction and need more structure than that provided by outpatient programs, by shorter-term programs, or by participation in support groups.

Why is Bethany Hall’s women-only program so important?

Bethany clients usually enter the program with other significant challenges in addition to their addictions. Approximately 80% have been victims of sexual or other violent abuse. More than 60% have other mental health issues. Bethany’s all-female program provides an atmosphere that is more conducive to addressing these complex and very personal problems. The single-gender program also encourages women to focus on their recovery, without the distraction of cross-gender relationships. Women who have children also receive parenting support and education counseling as a part of their treatment.

More About Bethany Programs:

Adjustment Period