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Admissions Requirements & Applications
- A pre-admission interview may be required.
If a face to face interview is not feasible, an
interview may be conducted by phone.
- Acknowledgement of being addicted to drugs
and/or alcohol.
- Motivation for recovery. With criminal justice
referrals, we make an effort to ensure that
motivation is truly related to a desire for
recovery rather than merely
avoiding incarceration.
- Medical Clearance. If medical detox is
indicated, it must be done prior to admission.
Must by physically and medically able to
participate fully in the program.
- Clients must admit with a clean drug screen.
- Clients with mental health diagnosis may be required to submit a psychiatric
evaluations to ensure that Bethany Hall is equipped to address both their
mental health and substance abuse issues. Bethany Hall’s program is not
structured to provide treatment for those with schizophrenia, psychosis,
or hallucinations.
- Referrals must be cognitively functioning to a degree which does not
limit their capacity to benefit from the program - a substantial amount
of reading and writing
is required.
- Referrals with active eating disorders may not be appropriate for Bethany
Hall; however, each admission
is individualized.
- Clients must be ambulatory - all bedrooms are on second floor.
- Referrals must not be homicidal, suicidal, or in other ways an imminent
threat to self or others.
Admissions Application
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Application (Adobe Acrobat PDF) Download
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